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Poltergeist and the Indian Burial Ground Myth

A Staple of the Horror Genre

The image of a haunted house built on an ancient Indian burial ground has become a staple of the horror genre. From Poltergeist to The Amityville Horror, this trope has been used to create countless stories of supernatural terror. However, the reality is that there is no evidence to support the claim that Indian burial grounds are haunted.

The Poltergeist Mistake

One of the most famous examples of this myth is the 1982 film Poltergeist. In the film, a family moves into a new house that was built on an Indian burial ground. Soon after, they begin to experience strange and terrifying events, including poltergeist activity and the disappearance of their daughter.

However, there is no evidence to support the claim that the house in Poltergeist was actually built on an Indian burial ground. The film's producers admitted that they made up the story to add an element of horror to the film.

Other Examples of the Myth

The myth of the Indian burial ground has also been used in other horror films, such as The Amityville Horror and The Conjuring. In these films, the discovery of an Indian burial ground is used to explain the strange and terrifying events that occur.

However, as with Poltergeist, there is no evidence to support the claim that any of these films were actually based on true events.

The Truth about Indian Burial Grounds

The truth about Indian burial grounds is that they are simply places where Native Americans have buried their dead. There is no evidence to suggest that they are haunted or that they cause any harm to those who visit them.

In fact, many Native Americans consider it disrespectful to disturb Indian burial grounds. They believe that the spirits of the dead should be left in peace.


The myth of the Indian burial ground is a common misconception that has been used to create countless horror stories. However, there is no evidence to support the claim that Indian burial grounds are actually haunted.

The truth about Indian burial grounds is that they are simply places where Native Americans have buried their dead. They are not haunted and they pose no harm to those who visit them.
